Kareena Kapoor is a 33-year-old Indian actress, fashion designer and also an accomplished author. The actress is well known in Bollywood movie circles where she is a force to reckon with.
There have been a lot of stories of celebrities getting plastic surgery but this is only common in Europe and America although other countries also have celebrities that undergo plastic surgery.
However, it seems that it is becoming a global thing and there has been speculation that the famous Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor has had a share in getting plastic surgery done on various parts of her body. She is just among other Bollywood actresses who have had plastic surgery.
When you look at her before and after pictures, then you can see a big difference. Her cheeks usually appeared chubby, but not excessively chubby, and they were also flashy. However, now they are more of symmetric.
She must have definitely got cheek implants since even a 10-year-old can notice the difference in the structure of her face as her cheekbones are well defined now. Apart from getting cheek implants, her nose has also become much sharper and smaller than it originally was.
Of course, there are no nose workouts so we can only come up with one conclusion sighting this conspicuous difference. There was a nose job involved or if you would like to call it by its official name, it is Rhinoplasty surgery.
Kareena Kapoor is a sexy lady and she loves to stay that way. Her flat belly is the envy of all those women who would love to lose belly fat. She has said the things that have contributed to her great belly are exercise and also a good diet. She has even written a book about nutrition.
Although this is what she says, there have been contrary reports that she had a tummy tuck so as to remove the excess belly fat. A tummy tuck is usually done to remove fat folds so as to make the belly look much flatter than it did before. Another reason why there have been speculations of plastic surgery is that her chest looks much heavier and fuller than before.
Are there anybody workouts that result in this? Maybe and maybe not. It could be that what she eats is packed there or she could be making it look fuller through other means and maybe she got breast implants.
At times, there are clothes that make one look like they have a fuller chest and other clothes make your chest look less full but whatever happened there, only she herself knows.
Some who have viewed pictures of Kareena earlier and the ones that are out now have concluded that she has had cosmetic surgery done.
Whatever she has done, surgery or exercise and nutrition, she still looks very hot and maybe she really did achieve all that through exercise and a good diet as she says. Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt.